Amidst a French-styled streetscape in the heart of Melbourne, we officially introduced the KOOKAI Autumn-Winter collection, La Parisienne, with a runway show featuring over 60 of the key looks for the season. Guests...
Amidst a French-styled streetscape in the heart of Melbourne, we officially introduced the KOOKAI Autumn-Winter collection, La Parisienne, with a runway show featuring over 60 of the key looks for the season. Guests sipped on G.H Mumm champagne and french themed cocktails, while dining on hors d'oeuvres, pastries and crème brulee served from carts positioned along the cobblestone street. Beauty retouches were on hand at the MECCA Maxima stand, while French tunes played in the background. The face of the runway show, supermodel Kelly Gale, lead a Parisian-styled posse of models down the runway as snow fell from above with...